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University of Miskolc

The University of Miskolc, as an important institute of Hungarian higher education, contributes to international academic life and the development of Hungarian society in the European higher education space by way of many-sided interdisciplinary programmes and a high level of research and development activity.

Beginning in the 1980s, the University of Miskolc extended its mining and metallurgy, as well as the supplementary engineering training structure, which have been continuous since 1735, with new profiles added on the basis of regional social needs. As a result, by the turn of the millennium, the region’s largest institute of higher education came into existence with its own, independently founded Faculty of Law 11986). Faculty of Eco­nomics (1990). Faculty of Arts and Humanities 11997). and a College Faculty of Health (2005]. and the Béla Bartók lnstitute of Music and the lnstitute of Applied Geography also added. The internal and external integration resulted in a higher education institution cultivating a  wide range of disciplines with a dominant universitas character.

At the University of Miskolc, 41 bachelor’s, 35 + 11 master’s [with teaching certification). as well as 81 specialised postgraduate program­mes have been accredited. The nearly 9,000 students are taught by over 600 professors, researchers and teachers. There are also 7 doctoral schools. A new element of the educational portfolio is dual  education, which is available in 26 degree programmes.

The university considers it as its priority task to maintain its current, as well as to create new relationships and cooperation with other universities and educational institutions in Hungary and abroad. ln the interest of enhancing the efficiency of research, it cooperates with players of economic life. ln the spirit of the slogan “lnnovative Knowledge City”, it shapes and develops its future activities. Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by a dynamically developing city and region, as a modern university of multiple faculties, it strives for excellency in the areas of education, research and its third-mission contributions to society.