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Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai

MEFS President

Dear Friends,

I feel honored to have the possibility to greet you as the President of the Hungarian University Sports Federation. Following the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic I honestly hope that now we all can continue our work in the normal routine. In this period we had the opportunity to prepare our detailed plans for the future and now we can continue the development of university sport life on a higher level than ever before. 

As the President of the Hungarian University Sports Federation, I consider making sports a value and a fashion for young people in higher education a priority task. I consider a priority to create valuable communities in connection with sports at universities, which can help to overcome social and generational problems and will develop the lifestyle and life quality of the students by improving strength and intelligence and will also help to create the future intellectual elite.

We need to provide young people with the opportunity and practice to be physically active at least three times a week and to create an opportunity for our elite athletes to develop a dual career.

We consider it extremely important to use the potential of movement literacy and movement culture to make it clear to everyone that working knowledge, decision-making, and taking responsibility in other areas of life highly depend on the regular, lifestyle-integrated practice of sports education.

I believe that together with EUSA and the European university sports community we can achieve the above goals with systematic work and with love and respect for young people. I wish you all a successful preparation, and look forward to welcoming you at the European Universities Games 2024 Debrecen-Miskolc!

Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai
MEFS President

Since the success of our joint bid for the organisation of the European Universities Games of 2024, the alliance of the University of Debrecen and the University of Miskolc has become even stronger and we still believe strongly that the differences are our strengths as we supplement each other perfectly.

Both universities have centuries-old history and strong traditions in higher education. The University of Debrecen has become an intellectual center having the widest spectrum of education programs in Hungary, which undertakes a role in the private sector, business life, as well as the social and economic life of the local community. The University of Miskolc is the intellectual center of the North Hungary region, training professionals in a wide range of technical and social sciences, and is the country’s only real green campus.

In addition to performing our basic tasks at the highest level, we consciously undertake roles in the development of the economic and sports life of Hungary, and appear as service providers in the innovation activities of multinationals, as well as the companies of our respective regions.

Both of our institutes are sports universities with highly athletic student communities and an outstanding sports infrastructure. The management of both universities considers sport as a priority area in terms of development objectives and allocation of resources. They are strongly committed to the development of the university sports movement. Our success and thus also the success of the European Universities Games in 2024 is inherent in our traditions, development and commitment.

We are confident that together, acting hand in hand, we will organize the EUG 2024 at an outstanding level.

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy
University of Debrecen

Prof. Dr. Zita Horváth
University of Miskolc

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Szilvássy

University of Debrecen, rector

Prof. Dr. Zita Horváth

University of Miskolc, rector