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From January 11 to 13, the Hungarian higher education’s annual exhibition, Educatio International Trade Fair, took place at Hungexpo. The Educatio International Education Trade Fair was established with the goal of providing answers to questions related to higher education. Its task is to connect various participants: domestic and foreign higher education institutions, publishers, language schools, training institutions, and companies with those interested: students, educators, and parents. Over the three days of the exhibition, thousands of prospective students explore the Hungexpo area to get a firsthand impression of the participants in higher education.

As the largest university event of 2024, the European Universities Games (EUG) considered it crucial to be present at the exhibition once again after 2023. The primary goal of the EUG pavilion, in addition to communicating the event’s news, was to recruit volunteers. On the occasion of launching the volunteer application, a press conference was held on the opening day of the exhibition. Hankó Balázs, State Secretary for Innovation and Higher Education at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM), Bács Zoltán, Chancellor of the University of Debrecen, Horváth Zita, Rector of the University of Miskolc, and Juhász Péter, Secretary-General of the Hungarian University and College Sports Association, conveyed the message of the Games and emphasized the importance of volunteering.

In addition to application and information, interested individuals could try exciting games at the EUG booth and participate in a joint activity. As mentioned in the press conference, organizers welcome applications from both domestic and international volunteers. [LINK]